I don't really want to write much, but I do want to show pictures of my mission president's home. My mission president and his family have mostly lived in Asia as his children have grown up. They even lived in Hong Kong for 18 years! It's about time they lived in the US. Here are pictures of their huge house.
The first two we took after we left because we didn't think enough in advance to take it was the sun was still out, so the pictures are a bit lame.
The back of the house which in daylight looks twice as big as the front.
The front. All the missionaries were in the garage and the driveway because that is where we could all fit to listen to our mission pres. Plus their garage alone is bigger than our DOUBLE WIDE mobile home. (I had to add the double wide. It's a pride issue.)

Their house in the daylight, not taken by me, but stolen from a facebook album.
That's all.
You're right. That one was boring, but at least you tried!