On Thursday, my parents rented a 15 passenger van and we went to Muir Woods and Muir beach. We had a lot of fun and the kids loved it too! The weather was perfect and it was so much fun to see the beach again and smell the ocean.
First we ate lunch at a place called Dipsea's Cafe. Here's just one picture of us eating there. I sat across from Bryce and he kept me entertained the entire time.

Our first stop was Muir woods. We didn't walk through the entire main part of the National Park, but we made it a little more than half-way through. The walking kids got a little tired, so we turned around early. It was still a lot of fun to see nearly undisturbed nature and it smelled so fresh.

My model sister-in-law.

Zoom in on this tree and you can see where each ring represents a major event in history.

Just a family picture.

Bryce trying to climb a redwood.

Brandon was in the stroller, but he like walking next to it instead.

My sister-in-law, me, and my sister with the kids minus Bryce.

Grandma playing peek-a-boo with Brandon.

I can never take pictures seriously but look at the background! It was so beautiful.

Brandon loved playing on the beach and digging in the sand! His brother was out climbing the rocks with his grandpa and uncles.

Right before we wanted to leave, John really wanted to climb the top of a mini-mountain. Since we were about to leave, there was a 10 minute climbing time limit. Since I'm still trying to hike at the "McAdam Family Pace", I decided to stay and clean up, but John went. We all thought it would take him 30 minutes to get to the top and back down. Little did we know. Even I had doubts. He made it all the way up and back down in 13 minutes. Possibly 14 minutes, but 13 sounds better. Here are pictures from his view from the top and my view from the beach.

Amanda and her kids on the beach! Bryce was so much fun to play with. He loved chasing the waves, then running away before he got wet. Then, when he finally got wet, he loved the waves hitting him. He said that his feet never got wet because he was wearing water-proof shoes with socks on. He was soaked.

And the entire time, this is what the babies were doing: