Sunday, April 21, 2013

Craters of the Moon

We had a lot of fun this weekend!  We went to our first National Site this year and Jocelyn's first National Monument ever!  She was asleep most of the time, but we got her a National Parks Passport and a stamp so she has proof that she has gone there.

But first some house pictures.  We were having a little trouble watching any of the General Conference Sessions this year, so please don't ask me what my favorite talk was.  I'm slowly reading them online.  But to at least listen to a little bit, we gave Olivia some flour.  She had a delightful hour + with her flour.

Eventhough Jocelyn is really small for an almost-4-month-old, she seems really huge!  I'm sure she will be in her 0-3 month baby clothes for a while, but she looks like a little human and not a newborn anymore.

Olivia just tries to be a helper and a super model.  Her favorite thing to do is brush her hair into a crazy mess, then put all the clothes in the hamper directly into the dryer.

We went to Craters of the Moon with our friends Ryan and Emily.  I'm taking the picture and our friend Ryan has Jocelyn.  This is our band pose in case we ever start a band.

Of course John went exploring with Olivia!

This is my favorite tree in the park!  I hope that every time we go we take a picture at this tree.

Olivia walked about 1/3 of a mile because she didn't want to be in the backpack.  MOST of it was uphill and pretty steep.  By the time we got to the paved part, she stuck her hands in her pocket and walked without holding my hand.

Spatter cones:

It was miserably cold for our BBQ lunch, but somehow Olivia was the only one happy being outside.  It was cold, it hailed, the wind was blowing, but Olivia kept eating her grapes and carrots.  Everyone else at in the car (or at least wanted to).

This is Olivia's 3rd cave she has ever been in: Dewdrop Cave.  This path was 1.6 miles round trip and Olivia walked the entire way!  She doesn't like being in her backpack anymore, especially if she has the option of walking.

And finally, Olivia loves to read Jocelyn books.  It's great that I can leave them to play together even though Jocelyn isn't very interactive, but Olivia just adores her.

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