Labor day weekend we took a trip up to the Tetons with John's brother Jared and a few of his cousins. Unfortunately John's car broke down and was in the shop that weekend, so we had to fit everything in out little Dodge Neon. Half the trunk was full of firewood, half of the backseat was taken up by food and sleeping bags, and I had a cooler on my lap. Here are some pictures! I won't go through and explain them all. My sister said that my last post was "too long, boring, and lacked personality". I'll just spare everyone the pain.
But I do have to describe what we did. On Saturday, we hiked a 9.2 mile hike up to Surprise lake. John hiked up in front of me because he was going further up to disappointment peak. I was just settling for the lake. John made it up the trail in 2 1/2 hours and it took me just a shade over 5 hours. What I did learn is that I am never going to do another 9.2 mile hike as a pregnant lady. Maybe it would have been fine if I were in shape, but that hike was just bad timing. It was the hardest for me, but I think I would have been fine had I not been with child. Luckily, a couple of nice ladies on the trail offered me some chocolate and dried fruit and said that every pregnant lady needs chocolate. I agreed and took it from her. It was heavenly.

Bear on trail.

View looking down on the trail.

John climbed Disappointment Peak which is a summit that is immediately in front of the Grand Teton but it 2,000 feet lower. It's called Disappointment Peak because it is so close, it looks like one could touch the top of the Grand after summiting. Unfortunately, it's another climb.

This is Surprise Lake and Amphitheater Lake from John's view on Disappointment Peak. That is where I stopped.

John at the top of the peak.

Kalvin, John's cousin, at the top with the Grand Teton in the back.

Surprise Lake.

Antler arch in Jackson, WY

Sunset on Jackson Lake

Story: We got out of the car and started walking towards Jackson Lake when suddenly Jared pulls something out of his pocket and says, "Look, a giant gummy bear." It really was a giant gummy bear. It cost seven bucks, but we all agreed after that that it was a reasonable price to pay for a giant gummy bear.

Top of Signal Summit
