Sunday, November 27, 2011

Olivia Update

Nothing is really new with Olivia.  She had her first Thanksgiving and I forgot to take pictures.  Of, course.  She is still crawling around everywhere and can now open drawers.  That's all.  Just enjoy the pictures.

Now Olivia splashes around in her bath and plays with her toys!
 She loves Cheerios!
 Olivia is now completely content playing alone.  Her favorite thing to do is pull out all the toys from her toy basket and knocking all the books off her baby book shelf.
 Surprisingly it is the end of November and there is still no snow.  We went for an off-roading experience today in her stroller.
 Olivia in her marshmallow.

One Gallon of Paint

We have been so busy lately!  We got the "keys" to our house two weeks ago.  By "keys" I mean they left the door unlocked and told us the place was ours.  However we sold our contract for our apartment in Rexburg, but we sold it for January.  So we are going to finish painting the inside of our house before we move it.  Everything was primer before, but look at the color now!  I love it!  I can't take all the credit for it though.  They are the same colors in John's parents house.

Ignore the mess.  Oh, and the brown color on the walls was painted with just one gallon of paint. I was impressed. but I guess a gallon always goes that far.
 Stairway- this is where our gallon of paint ended.

That's all for now.  Painting takes a longer time than I thought.  We've painted for 3-part time days and haven't even finished the downstairs yet.  Hopefully we'll be done within the next week!

Plus, I'm taking suggestions on colors for the bathroom and bedrooms.