We have a child. After a wonderfully delightful labor and delivery, Olivia was born! She was 7 lbs 11 ounces and 19 inches long. She weighed the same that John did when he was born, except she is nearly 2 inches longer!
Here are some pictures! I was planning on only putting one or two up, but narrowing down pictures of my own child was harder than thought. Enjoy!
I think this picture is hilarious! This is the trash that we needed to put diapers in. Obviously dirty diapers are a bio hazard.
Going Home!
Hat Grandma Ruthie made for Olivia
GranMaMa McAdam
Uncle Ryan
I hope you enjoyed the pictures! More updates to come later!
If you want to read the entire childbirth story, click here to read it on my Observations About Nothing blog.